Burma and Thailand News from We Said Go Travel: October 2012

Published: Tue, 10/09/12

We Said Go Travel Newsletter 11:  Oct 9, 2012
We Said: A quick month in Thailand,

It is hard to believe that we have been away from America for more than three months! Our month in Thailand was great and full of old and new friends. The map above shows where we have been since July 2, 2012. See more of the map and our trip at

I hope you will join me in my 45x45 Birthday Project! Together we have already helped over 25 families which helps over 100 people. I hope to raise enough money to assist 45 families receive solar cookers.

We flew from Bangkok to Yangon, Myanmar on September 28. George and I met online partially because of the Schwedegon Pagoda where we have both been but not together until NOW! I cannot wait to share more of this story and photos with you when we have decent internet!

Thank you for all your incredible support for our journey and our website. Lisa and George (Click here to sign up for this newsletter. )
Forty-five days before I turn forty-five, I am asking you to join me in donating to Jewish World Watch (JWW) for the Solar Cooker Project to help forty-five families. I hope to find at least forty-five people willing to donate $5 to $45 (or more) in honor of my forty-fifth birthday so I can share my gratitude about all the good things in my life.
Did your first trip with someone not go well? George and mine did not! Read about it in the CHICAGO TRIBUNE!

HUFFINGTON POST: My first article published last week: "Teachers Need a Village." Click here to read the entire article.

All our Indonesia MOVIES are on our YouTube channel. Thailand movies coming soon.
Did you see me on NATIONAL TELEVISION September 29, 2012 on the show CAREER DAY? I did not see it yet either. I hope to be able to share it with you soon. More about how it happened: Click here